
Personal Updates by Gibby and/or his family.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Here's The Latest (and it's not much)

Hi all,
Cherish here. Dad went to Dr. Becerra today. The PET Scan was useless as he did the upper GI on Tuesday and the barium was still in his ~gut~Friday when he did the PET. They couldn't see a thing. You would think that since a PET costs $2000 they would make sure you did that BEFORE the barium. They are the ones in the medical profession. Ha.

The upper GI showed a "loop in his bowel" not sure what that means. I will let you know. He is having a biopsy of his hockey puck (tumor in his navel area)tomorrow. We are trying to figure out if the radiation did the trick or if it's active. He has lost a lot of muscle the last few months due to malnutrition. He can't keep food or drink down very well.

We will have a new scan next week. Hopefully his slow gut will get that barium out of there by then.
More soon. Love to all. Cherish

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