
Personal Updates by Gibby and/or his family.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Dad is home from the hospital and doing ok. He is tired, but found the energy somehow to go to a friend's funeral yesterday. He meets again with the hepatologist on Monday for further testing and results from what they did while he was in the hospital Monday and Tuesday.
Bill Kraftson came by the hospital and shared some time with us which was enjoyable as always. It made the day so much quicker. He is so interesting and we learn so much from our visits.
Things will continue to get better from here once the liver decides to heal itself from the radiation.
Have a nice weekend. CY

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Good news today. Dad had some fluid drawn from his abdomen. The fluid was tested and was "not consistant with malignant ascites"....his doppler scan was negative for portal hypertension. Therefore, the result is diuretics, bed rest, low sodium diet, and go home tomorrow! The dr. says it is just a complication of his bilirubin backing up. What a relief!?! What a roller coaster ride. Maybe I won't have anything exciting to say for awhile.
Thanks for the prayers, obviously this guy is proof they work.

Monday, January 17, 2005

The stay at home was a short but sweet one. Dad is back in Zale Lipshy. He is having some tests run on the fluid that filled his abdomen overnight. He is still not eating much, but is trying to be a good patient. His bilirubin is at 34 still, so not much progress there. Pancreas numbers are good. The swelling is called ascites. We are looking for the cause. I will update when I can. C

Dad is home and resting in his favorite spot. He goes to the clinic on Friday to check his bloodwork and Monday he meets with the hepatologist. Until then we are in limbo and it's a waiting game. They gave us four possible senarios of what is going on, but I don't know the names of all four. Maybe Jeff or Angela could post them. I don't want to mislead. Thanks for checking in.

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