
Personal Updates by Gibby and/or his family.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Better Days......and Nights

Hi all,
Mom sounded a bit gloomy in her last post, but the reason is that dad seemed as if he was in a coma from late Monday to Weds morning. He was given compazine and phenergan to control nausea on top of his regular meds. I think he reacted poorly to the compazine because Monday and Tuesday he just slept or stared into space and mostly did not respond. Weds morning I didn't give him his compazine and he was like his old self again. He has had quite a few visitors since then including old high school and fraternity friends. He is watching the football games and keeping stats on scores. David is there as much as possible to keep him company. He is a wondrful friend. A wonderful man. God has blessed my father with a friend like that. (The others are great too, Dave, Keith,Bill, etc.) Don't feel left out.

He was also getting very fidgity during the night.... up and down all night from the recliner to the bed and back again. Last night was fairly peaceful. He slept more and his feet look better too.

Thanks for checking in everyone.


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